The Solo to Group Practice Accelerator

Take Initiative

The Solo to Group Practice Accelerator is my one-of-a-kind business coaching program, specifically developed for ambitious, leadership-oriented therapists who are committed to growing their income and increasing their freedom through a proven group practice strategy. This program will not only teach you how to set up and market your group practice. It will also teach you how to lead a team of therapists to reach clients with innovative and compassionate treatment methods. It will teach you how to make and manage money like a pro.

You became a therapist to make a difference in the world. You have so much more potential than you’re tapping into right now. And what you choose to do with this opportunity TODAY will directly impact your future.

Maybe that statement scares the crap out of you. Maybe it fills you with hope and longing. Whatever your emotional reaction, use the intensity of it to push you to follow your heart. You’re ready. Don’t wait any longer.


What I want you to take away is this:

You have an amazing opportunity to totally shift the direction of your future from just more of the same to something new and incredible.

And I can show you how.

Interested to learn more?

The goal now, is to:

Relieve the pressure,

Eliminate your suffering

Increase your motivation

Enhance your belief that change is possible

Skyrocket your emotional freedom

Create a sense of peace and ease as your new norm!

Good Fit:

  • You are a licensed therapist with experience in private practice.

  • You are ambitious, motivated, and you love to lead. You know you were meant for more, and you have a big vision that you just don’t know how to pull off yet. But with a push in the right direction and some guidance along the way, you know you can make something incredible happen.

  • You love having a supportive team behind you and thrive in a community of like-minded professionals. You’re open to learning and sharing your wisdom and wins with others.

Not a good fit:

  • You are still working on your license, still working for an agency, and haven’t tried private practice yet.

  • You love your comfort zone, and you hate trying new things. You’d rather stick to the safe familiarity of doing the same old thing, over and over again, for years on end. The scarcity mindset of solo private practice is enough for you; you don’t want any more out of life.

  • You’d rather keep to yourself and try this on your own, making all the same mistakes everyone makes without a seasoned guide to point the way. You’re all about learning the hard way.

I know you. You want more freedom, more joy, more impact. So be real with me for a minute. Imagine yourself five years in the future. Picture your life–your career, your free time, your finances.

  • Will you still be longing for less stress over money and an escape from long, lonely work hours, frustrated by the ups and downs of having your income tied to client hours?

  • Will you still be wishing you had done something different?


Are you ready for transformation?

What's Included!?

It’s a 3-month exclusive program including…

  • The Big Goal: Learn how to go from a private practice to group practice in a profitable and compassionate way, all while enjoying the process.

  • The Step by Step Course: lifetime access to my step-by-step course (plus any updates that are added along the way) to:

    • Help you hire your first therapist

    • Set up your practice in an automated way

    • Marketing your practice as a group practice

    • Ensure profitability while getting your time back

  • 30 Day Hiring Guide: If you're ready to hire ASAP, use my start-up guide to hire your first therapist in 30 days

  • Google Workspace Setup: Step by step guide to setting up your google workspace with all the needed folders, templates, forms, and sheets for your business to ensure organization and legality

  • Attorney Written Templates:

    • Lawyer written employee/contractor contracts

    • HR written handbooks

    • Email templates

    • Job descriptions

    • Onboarding processes, training, and daily to-dos for therapists and admin

    • Spreadsheets to keep track of finances and ensure profitability

  • Profit First Method: Implement the Profit First for Therapists Method

    in your practice to ensure you are profitable from Day One.

  • Secret Marketing Plan: With over 12 different strategies for marketing your group practice, I walk you through how to ensure you can fill your therapists' caseloads once you hire

  • VIP Facebook Group: For coaching clients only to provide tons of support and encouragement as you expand your practice

  • Weekly Coaching Calls: 3 months of personalized coaching to help you every step of the way with expanding the business such as hiring, website optimization, automation, and financial stability within the group practice (recorded in case you can't attend live)

  • Get your time back: Have professional support to know the exact point in time when you are able to decrease your caseload (if desired) while increasing your income to get more time back to do the things you love

  • PAY IN FULL BONUS #1: TWO 1:1 coaching calls to use throughout the 3 months for personalized guidance based on your business

  • PAY IN FULL BONUS #2: My website assessment to ensure your website is fully optimized to rank on google and attract and convert your ideal clients all while staying genuine to you and your brand

  • PAY IN FULL BONUS #3: Manifesting mindset guide, which will help you know you are worthy of success, improve your relationship with money, and ensure you will take the necessary steps to be successful in your practice


Best Value:



Most Flexible:



  • **Some payment strategies that have been helpful for previous and current clients:

I'm so ready to grow my practice!


I’ve tried a group practice before, and it failed. What do you offer that’s different?

Trying to launch a group practice on your own is like trying to learn a new sport without a coach or a team–it’s way harder than it has to be, takes way longer, and has a high chance of a poor outcome. I’ve done this before, and I’m here to guide you on every step of the way with proven strategies, individualized coaching, and access to all the resources you could possibly need. Trust me, this won’t be anything like going it alone.

What if I don’t know how to lead a group practice?

If you’re in private practice, you’re already an entrepreneur; the hardest part is something you’ve already done! As a therapist, you have all the communication skills, interpersonal awareness, self-motivation, ambition, and creativity to lead a badass team of therapists to make a profound difference in your community.

What if I don’t want to stop doing therapy?

You don’t have to. Launching a group practice will allow you to do better therapy by focusing completely on the clients who are the best fit for your passions and skills and not having to worry about income anymore.

What if I’m scared to invest?

I get it. It feels like a huge risk. But the bigger financial risk is to just keep doing what you’re doing, barely keeping up with inflation, totally dependent on the hours you spend in the chair. Investing in my program is a commitment to yourself, and an investment in your future–and when we go all in, we get the most out of every experience.

What if I don’t have the time?

Everyone is busy. But all you need to do to succeed in this program is dedicate 5-10 hours per week. That’s only one hour a day! And 80% of it is self-paced, so you can do it whenever it works best for you.

What’s In It For Me?

  • Launch your own profitable group practice in 3 months

  • Attract high-quality therapists who are aligned with your vision

  • Master group practice marketing to ensure a steady stream of perfect-fit clients

  • Overcome imposter syndrome and revitalize your money mindset

  • Navigate regulations, onboarding, and HR details with ease

  • Receive individualized feedback on your material so you can show it to the world with confidence

  • Automate your practice so it runs itself and leaves you with freedom to enjoy a better lifestyle

It’s finally time to try something new. It’s time to become a group practice entrepreneur.

What others are saying..


She is also such an easy person to work with and is incredibly encouraging while helping work through my insecurities. She has been so helpful with assisting me in making important decisions and gives excellent guidance! I highly recommend her as a coach or for anyone looking for build a group practice."

Ann Weatherby


I highly recommend you join Anahita's Facebook Group "Private practice to Group practice accelerator for clinicians and therapists" because she is truly The Group Practice Girl Boss and will help you go from solo to group practice."

-Juana Lyles


Since working with Anahita, I’ve gone from spending months visioning to being able to take action quickly. I really appreciate her balance of being kind and open and also direct and focused. I’ve benefited from both the mindset and practical parts of working together.

-Alexandra Weaverling


"Anahita has been instrumental in helping me to get my solo practice set up to become a group practice. She has a wealth of knowledge of all things group practice, and what she does not know she'll find out for you right away! I got some news while we were working together and she swiftly helped me navigate how it might impact my practice and made me feel less alone in figuring it out. I felt super supported by her!

Copyright © 2024 Group Practice Girl Boss . All Rights Reserved


"Everytime I come away from a session my mind is blown. I just told my husband I have SUPERPOWERS now. I’m more direct now- I ask for what I want and I’m able to get what I need. I feel like I’m back in my life. I can think straight/ I don’t ruminate anymore. Anytime I catch myself having a negative thought I know how to be present and refocus myself in a genuine way. I approach things with a new perspective/ a new place in my mind instead of letting anxiety eat me alive. I can find peace and have gotten my power back. I’m so much more aware and comfortable with myself and who and how I am. I have built up SOOOOOO much self confidence. I finally feel ok to be myself in front of other people and trust myself to get back to an ok spot if anxiety does set in. I know how to have ME time that helps me refuel instead of just collapsing from exhaustion.. I’m a whole new person. I’m loving this new BADASS ENERGY!"
